יום שבת, 15 במאי 2010

Activity - ממצא סטטיסטי

המילה Activity מופיעה בספר 17 פעמים . פעמים (עמ' 881, 882) בצורת שלילה inactivity.
מתוך 15 פעמים נותרות, ברוב הפעמים ניתן לתרגם activity כ"עשייה" כשהדגש הוא על העושה - "buisness activity, earthly activity, cosmic activity, enterpreneual activity"

עמ' 3 the social benefits derived from business activity
עמ': The idea that the incentive of human activity is always some uneasiness and 15
its aim always to remove such uneasiness as far as possible
עמ 18 It is an
element of cosmic activity and becoming.
עמ' 132 :We can express this fact also in calling
the attainment of leisure an end of purposeful activity, or an economic good of
the first order.
עמ' 184 :Only a world view whose supporters renounce any earthly activity whatever
עמ' 252 there is no
room left for entrepreneurial activity,
עמ' 253 The employment of any
tangible goods or money for production, i.e., the provision for later days, is
in itself an entrepreneurial activity
עמ' 299 : how in such a retrogressing economy there could be any entrepreneurial
activity at al
עמ' ב373 No outsider
wants to enter its field of entrepreneurial activity because the production of
p results in losses.
עמ' 404 : Economists have tried to enumerate the factors which within the whole
economic system may increase or decrease the demand for money. Such
factors are: the population figure; the extent to which the individual households
provide for their own needs by autarkic production and the extent to
which they produce for other people’s needs, selling their products and
buying for their own consumption on the market; the distribution of business
activity and the settlement of payments over the various seasons of the year
עמ' 644 Agriculture is not simply one branch of production among many other
branches. It is the only natural and respectable activity of man, the only
dignified condition of a really human existence.
עמ' 780 However,
this government activity had originally no objective
עמ' 796 They should rather benefit the
“legitimate productive activity” of the processing industries, of mining, of
“legitimate commerce,” and, first of all, of farming.
עמ' 808 It is the activity of
such enterprising parvenus that provides the market economy with its
עמ' 871 The very idea that the future is predictable, that some formulas could be
substituted for the specific understanding which is the essence of entrepreneurial
activity, and that familiarity with these formulas could make it
possible for anybody to take over the conduct of business is, of course, an
outgrowth of the whole complex of fallacies and misconceptions which are
at the bottom of present-day anticapitalistic policies.
עמ' 881 The only kind of conduct proper to the sage is escape
into the inactivity of a purely contemplative existence.
עמ ' 882 It may be true that in the deepest recesses of man’s soul
there is a longing for the undisturbed peace and inactivity of a merely
vegetative existence.

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